Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) logo

Transform Mental Health

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MAPS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. MAPS' tax ID number is 59-2751953. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Give the Gift of Healing This Holiday Season

For the past 38 years, MAPS has dramatically shifted the psychedelic landscape through relentless hard work and perseverance. We've come so far from the peak stigma around psychedelics and have navigated the countless challenges to expand access to psychedelic healing through research, policy change, and education.

To help tell our 2024 story, we partnered with artist Mark Wooding, creator of the AfterSkool YouTube channel, to create this video.

Monthly donation

Recurring Support

Making a monthly recurring donation is one of the most effective ways of creating lasting impact. Moving the needle on psychedelics is a marathon, not a sprint, and monthly support promotes sustainability and healthy growth.

One Time Donation

Your work helps support crucial initiatives like our First Responder Training Program (designed to change the way police and first responders interact with people experiencing a psychedelic crisis), offering no-cost educational content, cutting-edge research, and so much more.

Healing Circle

Just as the mycelial network supports the forest, philanthropy underpins much of the progress we see in the psychedelic ecosystem. We are building a network and community of supporters called the "Healing Circle" to amplify impact and change. Join with a $1,000 annual donation or a $100 monthly donation.

Frequently asked questions